Letter from the stolen generation

Place yourself in the shoes of a stolen child. Write a short letter from Nanna Nungala Fejo (in the mission) to her mother.

Dear Mum

I MISS YOU SO MUCH!! I unbelievably miss you, Amaroo, Tirranna, Balun, Leewana, Mayrah and everyone in our family! It hurts so much… I feel so empty and depressed without you, our family and the bush camp. I try to comfort Rungali peto but her tears don’t stop like the flowing river near our camp and I’m afraid I’m not much of a help as I feel the same way. I can hear my cousins cry out in despair, with broken hearts and empty souls. We all cry out to our ancestors’ for help and think of our families’ endlessly. The white people from the mission try their best but no one and no place will fill in for you, our tribe and our land. It has been many suns but none of us feel better, our love for our community does not die, but grows. Grows steadily, unnoticeably like a tree. You can hear the pain in our hearts searing, many attempts to find their family. Soon, very soon, I will go find you and our tribe. I hear whispers of doubt and uncertainty but I will find you, it is unbearable to be separated from our land; It feels like half of myself is missing. I look forward to the day we meet again, I will find you!

May the Ancestors bless us and help us to reunite
Nanna Nungala Fejo

Homework: The Sorry Speech

2 Sentences what Mr. Kevin Rudd is apologizing for in the sorry speech:

Mr. Kevin Rudd is apologizing for the laws in the past which caused the breaking up of the families and communities and for the pain and suffering of the stolen generations. He is admitting the mistake the government made in the past and says that we should honour the indigenous people so that in the future, anything like this will ever happen again.

The Bat and the Butterfly Q.9

The Aboriginal tale ‘The bat and the butterfly’ has some relevance to my life. In the tale, there is a woman who works hard to look after each other. She is loved by the other members of her family and she feels that she belongs there. I also have a family that loves me and help each other out. I feel that I belong to my family and united, families/ communities are strong just like the woman’s family in the story. When she was abducted by a man, her family ran to her rescue. Although they did not succeed the first time, they did not give up. The woman was a part of their family, she always did her duties with a happy face and was responsible, therefore, her community members loved her and with their help, she escaped from the man. Also, the man kidnaps the woman and seals themselves in a cave. She escapes by turning into a butterfly and the man turn into a bat to chase her but out of the cave, her family drives the bat back in. Likewise, when I was younger, I have unkindly taken my brother’s Nintendo DS and hid in my room playing it. Soon after, my brother realised and with the help of his/my family, he successfully got his Nintendo DS back and drove me out of his room.

Hey, I thought spelling was important!

Only great minds can read this!

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny
iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The
rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is
bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a

Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Task for 'licked'

Explain how the author has used character development and narrative point of view to build the story’s element of conflict, tension and suspense. (Refer to the three different characters of Andrew, his dad and Mr. Spinks and Andrew’s narrative point of view)

The author has used character development and narrative point of view to build up the story’s tension and suspense. Throughout the story, first starting with a slurp of the soup, Andrew gradually makes the tense atmosphere by trying to make his dad break his promise by having bad table manners in front of his dad’s boss at dinner.

To be continued....

Answers to questions for 'licked'

1) First person – Andrew.
He uses first person language such as me, I, my, us and so on.

2) Andrew likes his dad because He takes him fishing, gives him arm wrestles, play scrabble instead of watching news, tries practical jokes on Andrew and always keeps his promise.

3) Andrew’s dad can’t stand flies and his second fault is table manners.

4) Andrew’s dad hardly ever misses and nearly every time, he hits the fly.

5) The narrator’s name is Andrew.

6) Mr. Spinks always smile at Andrew with his lips but not with his eyes.

A. slurps the soup and dips the bread in the soup then drop it into his mouth from high above.
B. He does it again but miss and hit his eye.
C. He yells out that he’s got the chicken’s bottom
D. Andrew uses his fingers to put margarine onto the potato
E. He snaps the chicken bone in half and suck out the middle.
F. He puts the hollow bones into the custard and use it like a straw
G. Andrew uses his last weapon, he licks the fly swat that actually had currents and liquorice on it but looked like dead flies.

8) The secret weapon is the fly swat with bits of currents and liquorice on it. It looked like dead flies so the guest got sick and his dad cracked up.

Task on next post.