My brother is like a guinea pig because he is sometimes very nice and comforting.
My brother is like a guinea pig because he can be very annoying.
My brother is like a guinea pig because he doesn't get much sun.
My brother is like a guinea pig because he wants to be left alone.
My brother is like a guinea pig because he can be cute sometimes.
Term 1
- Short Stories - 'HPA'
I really liked reading short stories and I liked writing it too.
My short story was about a boy who learnt how to hack a computer from his dad but unfortunately, his dad died. He was adopted by a bad person who is forcing him to hack into a computer but the boy gets caught. He gets taken to the police but the HPA (Hacking Preventing Agency) needs his help to develop a program to stop hackers so the boy willingly helps them.
Term 2
- 'The Silver Donkey'
We had a test based on the silver donkey and this was very hard. This was because we had to write three paragraphs on three questions. I found it hard to write about a chracter based on the book but I did it and I thought my results were pretty good.
-Opinionative Speech - 'Schools should allow 30 minutes of physical exercise to all students"
This was a speech we had to make and present to the audience to convince them about the topic.
Term 3
- 'The Dark Hills Divide' - Interview
An interview with a character in the book. It makes me think in creative ways and I hope I get the results soon!
- PoetryWe just started but we've only done similies.
Term 4
- Introduction to Shakespeare
Black = Finished
Blue = Not Finished

The book Dark Hills Divide, written by Patrick Carman, is about a twelve-year-old girl called Alexa. There are walls there to protect everyone and Alexa but she can't overcome her curosity. As the person who built the walls, Warvold, dies Alexa is left with a whole lot of mysteries she has to solve.
The characters excluding Alexa and Warvold are James Daley, Ganesh, Grayson, and Nicholas. These are peole living inside the walls. The animals friends of Alexa are Ander, Murphy, Darius, Malcom and the forest council.
The things I liked about the book were the characters and the unpredictable mysteries. I liked the book and there was nothing that made me dislike it. Overall, I thought the book was fantastic and I recommend it to students in school and you can try reading it to!